
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 14 Game time

I am feeling great today. I hope this stays the same. The only thing is I keep feeling a little knot on my right side mid area. It scares me. I hope it is not anywhere else so just say a little prayer that it is nothing. Next appt is on the 3rd of Oct.

Well I made the game. It started to rain right after halftime so my father-in-law thought I should leave. He thought it might make me sick if I sat in the rain. So I was out there but I was so happy to be there. Anyway here ya go! Enjoy the pictures:)


MiMi said...

LOVE the pictures and I am so happy that you were able to go! So glad that you had a great day! Your strength is such an encouragement to me!

Joy Junktion said...

Oh, I am so glad you made the game. I'm sure it was a treasured moment for both you and your daughter. It looks like they had a great time. Sweet group picture.

Alexa, I received your very sweet letter today. I am looking forward to receiving the bracelet and wearing it proudly! You are an awesome daughter. I'm sure your mama is as proud as a peacock.

Love to your family,

On Purpose said...

I love these cheerleading pictures!!

Go God! Go Cindy! Go Mike! Go Girls! Go Team Go!

Know that God is in lead of a magnificent team of people who are all cheering with you and for you Cindy...we love you!

MiMi said...


I left you something on my blog! Check it out!

Praying for you today!

Anonymous said...

hi cousin, cindy. Just wanted to say I was thinking about you and mike and the girls. I have been reading your blog to keep up. I am glad you are fighting this & making progress. This is just another obstacle we"Lawrence & White family" will have to get thru & we will. Let me know if I can do anything for you & the family. Take care & love you guys

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Oh thank you for sharing these pics!! I love them!!