
Monday, April 20, 2009


Hey there I am in Charlotte and have not been able to get on the computer. I know a lot of you are looking for me. My facebook is gone for now. I received a ugly virus on my computer. So here is my email until I get another made:

Yes today is my birthday and I am praising GOD for this day!! I am proud to say that I am 38:)

Thanks for all your support and love.

Giving God all the Glory, Honor and Praise!!

fighting like a girl


On Purpose said...

Celebrate Big with your family and enjoy every second!

I love you girl!

Kimberly said...


I am sorry you got a computer virus for your birthday. Not exactly the kind of gift you want. :) Hope it all gets worked out soon!

And I hope your birthday is a super sweet one! May you feel God's love so keenly!!!

Love and prayers,

Joyful said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cindy!!!! Celebrating with you! May God's presence be your best present today and always.


From the Heart said...

I came over from Nicole's to wish you a Happy Birthday.

You said you were in Charlotte and your profile says your in NC. If your in Charlotte, NC, I'm just up the highway from there.

May you have many, many more birthdays. I've had about all I want to have. Mine is coming up soon.

I had several uncles who were in the Army and they were always moving around. I only have one left, my mother's brother in Colorado Srings, COL. He is in his 80's.

May God bless you,

Robin said...

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Cindy, Happy Birthday to you!

Love you

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I was wondering what happened to you on Facebook!!! =) I'm glad you're having a great birthday! I know it must be a special one to celebrate all that you have been through! Have an awesome rest of your day I love ya!!

Joy Junktion said...

Happy Birthday To You My Sweet, Strong, Courageous and Inspirational Friend!!!!!!

Celebrate Well!!!

Blessings, Cindy

SAYDA said...

Happy Birthday Missy! Hope your computer gets fixed soon. Enjoy your loved ones.

My ADHD Me said...

A day late, but HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday to a wonderful and inspirational woman.

I've been under the weather with a cold or allergies but as I am peeking through your previous posts, I am seeing my name pop up.

I'm off to INVESTIGATE!!!!


My ADHD Me said...

How Exciting!!!!

I can't believe I won!!

I'll send you an e-mail.

As cute as they are....I must admit that they would look cool on the back of my son's PINK New Yorker. lol.

Also, Chatty Kelly's FAVORITE color is pink. SO... I'll send you an e-mail as soon as I decide which initials to ask for.

Thank You SO Much Again!!

Rebecca Jo said...

WOW... what a wonderful day to celebrate!! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Cindy- Happy Birthday to you!!

Hope that the computer bug goes away. Have a wonderful day, you deserve it!


Carlotta said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

Love ya!

Sue J. said...

Hey, Cindy....Did you know your birthday lasts all week!?

So glad to know you're celebrating in Charlotte! Hope your party was a blast and that you continue to feel 38 and better than great!!

Enjoy a beautiful weekend.....

MiMi said...

What a special birthday this one must be for you! I hope you have spent the entire week celebrating big!

So sorry to hear that you got a computer virus! Those can be so frustrating! Hope you get it all fixed soon!

Have a great birthday weekend, too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cindy! sorry this is late.