So yesterday my oncologist had an allergic reaction to Gogi berries. One of her patients gave her some and she ate a handful and she ended up in the infusion room right along side of the cancer patients. Well my apt was canceled obviously. I was like what!! Like I am the only the matters... of course not:) I am happy to say she is better today and I was able to see her this morning. It is amazing how nervous and sick I feel a week leading up to this day. Will I always feel this way??? I think I will. How do I go from believing that I am going to be OK to feeling scared and uncertain. I feel guilty when I have any doubt. I love helping others and want them to be positive and fight like a girl and then I fall apart for one apt. Goodness!! I just have to continue to pray for guidance and peace. Pray pray pray:)Update: My labs came back good. She said a little low on calcium so I need to start dealing with that. My scan from last she explained a few things with that. Cysts and a kidney stone but nothing else. She was pleased. She talked about medicines for the next 10 yrs. WOW! She says I need this protection because I am a high risk for recurrence. That is all I need to hear to whack me out for a while. What if what if???? I will see her again in 3months.So glad Summer is almost here. The girls have had some incredible teachers this year. I need to decide what to d
o. I just want to enjoy every moment I can. Thanks for listening.I need to sell my house......pray for my house.....whats up with that?Car wash this sat from 8-3 on Independence.If you have a business and would like to donate items for a raffle on the 5th of June let me know. Big or small it is all needed!!! Thanks for your support.Cindyfighting like a girl-i really hate cancer:(
Oh, I hope it gets easier for you as time goes on, although that probably is impossible. You are so strong though, yeah for good test results!! Hope everything stays on the up!!
I am glad everything is well!
This is a hard place to be...the what if's...but know that He won't abandon you...He has you right where He needs you to be SO effective for His are doing GREAT things through Cindy's Hope Chest...people will see you are real and fighting right along with them. I love you my friend...looking forward to summer too...cause I get to hug your neck!
Cindy, Great to hear that things went ok! I hear that it does get easier the further away you get. It is perfectly normal and I know God gets it. After all we are only human. I was just told I need to be on an aromatise inhibitor not too long ago. At least my doc gave me a choice:) I am actually going to use acupuncture to help with some of the side effects. Hugs! Cindy you are doing a wonderful job. Keep running that race!
i REALLY hate that 'c' word, too!...we're gonna BEAT it!!
I couldn't help but focus on "medicines for the next 10 years". Hooray! That means your doctor expects you to be around for AT LEAST 10 years so you can take all those medicines!!!!
I hate cancer too. I'm glad you are in remission and I hope you stay that way. Good luck with your carwash this weekend. I found your blog from Solider's Lady's blog (she won your recent giveaway).
Hey, Girl,
Having gone through Stage 3 breast cancer with my mom I can appreciate the anxiety and dread of those appointments. There is a verse I go to often because it redirects my fears and anxieties. It's in Phil. 4, I believe, and it tells us to think on these things -- whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is lovely. Every time I start to fear, I speak out loud the truth (God loves mom more than I ever can and He will take care of her). Then honesty -- anxiety and stress are defeating and don't do good things for the body, and there isn't one thing I can do about the results we are to hear. And whatever is lovely -- I have been blessed with a most amazing, godly, Christian mom.
Your friend,
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