Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Apostle Hope Carpenter
Church was awesome tonight. The guest speaker was Hope. Her husband has a big church in SC. She really spoke to me tonight. She reminded us that God does not always work the way we want Him to. That He is always good. She reminded us how important it is to study the Word. She said we have do what His word says and live by it everyday. To be obedient. She said to know what God promises and follow His guidance. She said to wake up everyday waiting on the devil so we are not surprised. She said to become more intimate with God by reading His covenant which is our agreement. We need to read it for ourselves and not hear it from others. I encourage you to start a daily journey of building a relationship with Him. I will pray for you:)
AS I stood at the alter, Hope placed her hands on me while praying for continuing healing I sang this words. It was amazing.
Love Cindy-fighting like a girl
You hold my every momentYou calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fireAnd heal all my disease
I trust in YouI trust in You
I believe You’re my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You’re my Portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus, You’re all I need
My HealerYou’re my Healer
Nothing is impossible for YouNothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for YouYou hold my world in Your hands
Jesus, You’re All I NeedJesus, You’re All I Need
AS I stood at the alter, Hope placed her hands on me while praying for continuing healing I sang this words. It was amazing.
Love Cindy-fighting like a girl
You hold my every momentYou calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fireAnd heal all my disease
I trust in YouI trust in You
I believe You’re my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You’re my Portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus, You’re all I need
My HealerYou’re my Healer
Nothing is impossible for YouNothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for YouYou hold my world in Your hands
Jesus, You’re All I NeedJesus, You’re All I Need
Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 20 We have 3 winners
I am so glad my husband was wrong this morning. On the way to radiation my husband so you will have 15 treatments today and I said "O No You Didn't" I said no I have 20 down today so we went back in forth no 15 no 20 no 15. So I thought maybe I was wrong?? Well I saw the doctor today. He said your skin looks good. I was thinking are you crazy if this is good I don't know what bad would look like. So give God Praise for my skin looking good. He also said that I had 10 to go. So yes I am glad you were wrong Baby!
Today is Friday and you all know what that means! I see my girls tonight. Continue to pray for them during their travels in the rain. Miss you girls:)
And the winners are:
winner #1 koozie-Tracy @ Our Journey
winner #2 koozie-Laurie Love, Hugs and Prayers
winner #3 fight like a girl T- Cindy @ Consider It All Joy
send me your info
Congrats and thanks for playing with me. Next weeks giveaway will be fun too.
fighting like a girl
Today is Friday and you all know what that means! I see my girls tonight. Continue to pray for them during their travels in the rain. Miss you girls:)
And the winners are:
winner #1 koozie-Tracy @ Our Journey
winner #2 koozie-Laurie Love, Hugs and Prayers
winner #3 fight like a girl T- Cindy @ Consider It All Joy
send me your info
Congrats and thanks for playing with me. Next weeks giveaway will be fun too.
fighting like a girl
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day19 Radiation
Check out those eyelashes and eyebrows growing-happy girl

Well this week radiation is getting to me. I have been so tired first thing in the morning. So I have been resting a lot. Here is a picture of the burn that I am getting. Not liking that too much. I look forward to having a break over the weekend.
I have had a lot of question about how my weekend was. It was fabulous. The girls and Mike were very excited. I am looking forward to them coming here tomorrow. Please pray for them to have a safe trip. It is suppose to rain.
Winner for the first giveaway will be posted tomorrow. I hope you enjoy wearing it. It is very popular here. Everyone is always asking me where I got mine from. It was one of the first things I got when I was first diagnosed. Next week will be something monogrammed so make sure you visit soon.
I am thankful for all of you! Please pray for my last few weeks of radiation.
fighting like a girl and missing my babies
Monday, March 23, 2009
So it is time to party and give PRAISE! This is my first of many giveaways so make sure you stop by often. I am celebrating my clear scan. I am giving HIM all the GLORY AND PRAISE!
You all know that I have been fighting like a girl:) So I feel it is only appropriate to give away a fight like a girl t-shirt. There will be one winner for the t and 2 winners for the fight like a girl koozie.
So all you have to do is leave me a comment and say a little prayer for God to continue to make me HIS miracle. That will count as one entry. If you mention it on your blog (please let me know) It will count as two! You have until Thursday at midnight! I am so thankful for everything. So I will be doing many giveaways in the next few months. Help me celebrate.
Thanks for praying for me.
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
*I will be giving a blog award soon
*different t-shirts to support breast cancer
*monogram stuff
Friday, March 20, 2009
Praise God
I want ever one to PRAISE GOD right now. ALL scans are clear!!! I can not even type. I am so excited!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all
Love you all
Almost finished today
Well I have had the scan of my head, chest, tummy and pelvis:) The contrast was yucky!! They sent me home to let the injection work for the bone scan. I am suppose to be back at 130 for that. Thanks for praying for me.
Off to radiation now. The machine is broken this morning so here we go. Long day today but in the end I see my girls!!!
fighting like a girl-praying to be cancer free
Off to radiation now. The machine is broken this morning so here we go. Long day today but in the end I see my girls!!!
fighting like a girl-praying to be cancer free
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Bone Scan and Total Body-Pray Hard
Tomorrow is a big day for me. I will be having a bone, head, pelvis, abdomen and chest scan. I asking if are praying, starting to pray or never have prayed for me to please pray for me tomorrow. I will be starting at 1045 until 2. Thank you so much for walking this with me. Please pass around:)
The girls are doing great and I can not wait to see them tomorrow night.
fighting like a girl with the support of all of you
The girls are doing great and I can not wait to see them tomorrow night.
fighting like a girl with the support of all of you
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
It is time to kick this
First of all I want to thank all my family and friends for stepping in and helping out with the girls. They all seem to have had a nice day today. I am looking forward to hearing it in detail.
Kim thanks so much for taking care of Alexa. Sharon thanks for taking care of Savannah and Madison. You both are great Moms and I feel confident that you can handle it for me:) It takes a lot of worry off me.
Steph and Jonny O thanks for opening your house and looking after the girls.
Mike thanks for being flexible for the girls. I know it is going to be tough but you can do it.(maybe not as good as me HA)
Day 11 of radiation is come and gone. Praise God for that! I have PT tomorrow after radiation.
Pray for the girls and Mike to continue to get settled.
Pray for me. I have a few things that are bothering me and I hope they are nothing. So tonight if you will give a Praise for getting me to this point and Pray for complete healing please.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am so behind on everything. I think I may have missed some one's birthday so I am going to check on that right now.
Now that I am by myself I am going to work on me a lot. It is time to kick this cancer in the butt:)
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Kim thanks so much for taking care of Alexa. Sharon thanks for taking care of Savannah and Madison. You both are great Moms and I feel confident that you can handle it for me:) It takes a lot of worry off me.
Steph and Jonny O thanks for opening your house and looking after the girls.
Mike thanks for being flexible for the girls. I know it is going to be tough but you can do it.(maybe not as good as me HA)
Day 11 of radiation is come and gone. Praise God for that! I have PT tomorrow after radiation.
Pray for the girls and Mike to continue to get settled.
Pray for me. I have a few things that are bothering me and I hope they are nothing. So tonight if you will give a Praise for getting me to this point and Pray for complete healing please.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am so behind on everything. I think I may have missed some one's birthday so I am going to check on that right now.
Now that I am by myself I am going to work on me a lot. It is time to kick this cancer in the butt:)
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Sunday, March 15, 2009
First Day of School
I am putting the girls to bed. Tomorrow is a new day:) Thanks for all your support! Heading home in the morning after I drop the girls off.
Love Cindy
Love Cindy
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Alexa's decision and we support her
So after our meeting as a family Alexa made the decision to withdraw from school here in Greenville and start school in Charlotte on Monday. Yes I said MONDAY! I tried everything I could to get the county to make an exception. Answer is NO! So I have been running like crazy getting the girls ready. OK so I said GIRLS! This cap on the schools effects all three of them. So Mike and I decided to enroll all of them to get their spots. They all were enrolled 2 yrs ago and it was a wonderful experience. So we will see. Mike is going to have his hands full. He will be taking on working and taking care of the girls. I am going to stay back here and finish my treatments and sell the house. I am so going to miss the girls. I have never been away from them for more than a week. They are going to come home on the weekends. So what do you all think? Are you shocked? I am. It hit me when I saw Alexa's friends crying today. It breaks my heart. My girls have been through so much. Lord please watch over them.
One more thing thrown in my lap! I am being pushed and tested but I am pushing through.
Lord give me the strength.
Day 9 of radiation is done!! I am beat from a very busy week. Pray for our travels tomorrow after radiation. Sending much love!
Lord I Pray that you touch my skin and tissue.
Lord I am sending Praise to you for all my friends who are stepping up and helping out with the girls. I love you all.
One more thing thrown in my lap! I am being pushed and tested but I am pushing through.
Lord give me the strength.
Day 9 of radiation is done!! I am beat from a very busy week. Pray for our travels tomorrow after radiation. Sending much love!
Lord I Pray that you touch my skin and tissue.
Lord I am sending Praise to you for all my friends who are stepping up and helping out with the girls. I love you all.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
We had our meeting
This a long and crazy story. So I hope I can explain this right. You all know that the Army transferred Mike. We have the house up for sale. So the plan is move over the summer and get the girls ready for school. Well we had something thrown on our plate. I am so often compared to someone in the Bible and his name starts with a J! Lord give me the strength The county in which we are moving to is over capacity and they are not enrolling anymore students after the 18th of March. They are not giving enough time for families to react. So all along I have been telling my daughter that everything is going to be OK .You are going back to your friends. Well now I have had to tell her that she will have to go to another school that is farther away and start fresh and pick up her life her and leave it behind. Or she can stay here. She has friends, A student, loves her teachers and has a little boyfriend. So what is a girl to do.......
To be continued!
Day 8 went fine. I did not get to see the doctor yet. Thanks for praying and I look forward to Praising God tonight at church for getting me this far.
To be continued!
Day 8 went fine. I did not get to see the doctor yet. Thanks for praying and I look forward to Praising God tonight at church for getting me this far.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 7 Radiation
I finished day 7. I think I see the Dr tomorrow. I have some questions. Why did I get x-rays yesterday and today? It so freaks me out. Is something being hit that is not suppose to or it is just routine? So far I am doing fine. I had PT today. It is a great time because I am trying to keep stretched because radiation tightens the skin. Thanks for praying for me. Pray that radiation does what it is suppose to do and nothing more.
Going to rest
Going to rest
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I was so not going to post until tomorrow or Monday. Mike is on his way here and we are going to have our family meeting but....
My eyelashes are growing back and I am about to go crazy. I am so excited I can not stand it! I want to jump. I want to sing and dance. Yippee for me. Its the little things that make me happy:)
Have a beautiful weekend
My eyelashes are growing back and I am about to go crazy. I am so excited I can not stand it! I want to jump. I want to sing and dance. Yippee for me. Its the little things that make me happy:)
Have a beautiful weekend
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hoorary Yippe Haha....
I am done with Day number 5 and done for the week. Thanks so much to Pat and Sherry for helping this week!
Radiation feels like how you feel after you have been in a tanning bed. It has been 15 years since I have been in one but I remember that feeling. Your skin feels hot. You have that tiny bit of sunburn feel and you have the chills a little because the wind is hitting you. So that is how I feel right now. I am putting pure aloe from health food store on every hour and I am also stretching. Not sure if it is going to help from getting too burnt and loosing the elasticity from my skin but it is worth a shot.
I am having to make big decisions this week about moving and the girls. So please pray that I be lead in right direction. I will blog about it tomorrow.
Thanks for standing with me and fighting for me. You all are the strongest Prayer Warriors and I am glad you are fighting this battle with me. Off to PT now:)
Love Cindy
enjoy the weekend
Radiation feels like how you feel after you have been in a tanning bed. It has been 15 years since I have been in one but I remember that feeling. Your skin feels hot. You have that tiny bit of sunburn feel and you have the chills a little because the wind is hitting you. So that is how I feel right now. I am putting pure aloe from health food store on every hour and I am also stretching. Not sure if it is going to help from getting too burnt and loosing the elasticity from my skin but it is worth a shot.
I am having to make big decisions this week about moving and the girls. So please pray that I be lead in right direction. I will blog about it tomorrow.
Thanks for standing with me and fighting for me. You all are the strongest Prayer Warriors and I am glad you are fighting this battle with me. Off to PT now:)
Love Cindy
enjoy the weekend
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Radiation Day 3
Another day down:) Thank you for your praying. I love you all.
Praise on my lips and song in my heart.
Pray that my home will sell. I will be by to visit and catch up on every ones blogs soon. Thanks Joy for remembering me.
Praise on my lips and song in my heart.
Pray that my home will sell. I will be by to visit and catch up on every ones blogs soon. Thanks Joy for remembering me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Radiation Day 2
Day 2 of 30 treatments. Well I feel fine. I did take a short nap today. I am trying to keep my strength. I do feel a little sunburned. It has been so cold here so being outside has been very uncomfortable. If you have ever been sunburned and you get the chills that is the way it feels. So I can not imagine how it is going to be if this is only number 2?
I go to my oncologist tomorrow after radiation. So I have bunch of questions. I have not seen her since Dec 31. I will be getting my port flushed. Icky-Yucky- I am such a wimp:)
Thank you for praying for me and walking with me everyday. Praying for complete healing. Praying for protection during this next few weeks.
Love Cindy
I go to my oncologist tomorrow after radiation. So I have bunch of questions. I have not seen her since Dec 31. I will be getting my port flushed. Icky-Yucky- I am such a wimp:)
Thank you for praying for me and walking with me everyday. Praying for complete healing. Praying for protection during this next few weeks.
Love Cindy
Monday, March 2, 2009
Radiation Day 1
Not sure what to think. It does take longer to get set up then the zap itself. I am keeping aloe on the area right now. I figured if I kept aloe, drank a lot of water and stretched maybe it would make it a little easier. I am not sure though? So if you know anything or have some advice for me...speak up:)
Mike is in Atlanta for a meeting this week. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are here to get me use to my new journey.
Pastor Reggie thanks so much for coming to radiation with me. The Power of Prayer is what I needed so thanks for coming to pray for me.
Thanks to all of you for praying for me and believing. I am praying for complete healing. Lord thank you for giving me everything that you give me. I thank you for everyday.
So continue to pray for me as I start this journey.
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Mike is in Atlanta for a meeting this week. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law are here to get me use to my new journey.
Pastor Reggie thanks so much for coming to radiation with me. The Power of Prayer is what I needed so thanks for coming to pray for me.
Thanks to all of you for praying for me and believing. I am praying for complete healing. Lord thank you for giving me everything that you give me. I thank you for everyday.
So continue to pray for me as I start this journey.
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Feeling so much better!
I love you all so much. I know that you prayed for me! I will post in the morning. My first radiation treatment is tomorrow at 1:45:)
We had a wonderful time in Charlotte.
We had a wonderful time in Charlotte.
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