I know this is way over due:) Thanks to Cindy at Consider It All Joy and Mimi at Mimi's Memories I can pass this on to blogs that I think are FAB!
Five addictions :
1) Spreading the WORD
2) Shopping with or for my girls
3) Blogging/Blog Friends
4) Chocolate covered Strawberries
5) And Last Being Cancer Free
(I have no idea how to link back so here we go)
And now I must pass this on:
Three Girly Girls
Living My Life On Purpose
Our Journey
Prayer Gifts
The Patterson 5
Make sure you stop by and check these Godly Women who have been a wonderful support in my life from day one:) Congrats to you all!!!
Of course I love you all as you can see that I follow you often. Mimi and Cindy thanks for walking this journey with me from the beginning.
Sorry I did not post this weeks giveaway but I will next week. I have been pretty uncomfortable with my burn but 6 more treatments to go. So continue to pray for me. Tomorrow is Friday and you know what that means. My turn- off to Charlotte after PT to see my three babies.
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Awe!! Thanks girl!! I'm sorry to hear you are feeling burned! I hope that gets better soon. What have you been up to without the girls around?? Any looker's on the house yet?? I hope so, I will be praying!!
Have a GREAT weekend with your family. Your almost done.....
Still praying & beleiving
Thanks sweetpea! I just got home from a very loud concert and my brain hurts! Praying for your burns to heal up and for you to not have that happen again! Love you, Lee
Thank you, thank you, thank you...I have been so blessed by your blog that I may have to come up with an I have been blessed by you award ;o}
Thank You for blessing me my friend!! Praying for a little less burning feeling, a safe drive and an amazing awesome and fun filled weekend with your family! Give them all hugs from me! I love you!
So glad you passed on that Fabulous Award!!
Did you ever received my address?
Praying you have a super weekend!!!
So glad that you passed on the award and it has been my privilege to walk this journey with you!
I am praying for you as you go through these final 6 treatments! You are an amazing woman and a great encouragement to many of us!
Still prayin' and believin'!
Have a great weekend, my friend,
Wow! Thanks for this award! We've been away vistiting family in Mississippi so it's taken me awhile to see it! What a wonderful honor from such a God honoring woman! Thank you!
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