Do you remember when I talked about God giving me a sign during one of my apts at radiation and when I went into one of the rooms I looked up and saw this blue butterfly. I love this picture. It seemed whenever I needed some encouragement I was sent in this room.

This is the room I ended up in today. I have been released from radiation until 6mons from now. The dr said that if I am going to have any side effects it will happen in the next 6months.

While I have been home I have been enjoying my roses. I love taking care of them. It is one of my favorite things to do.

The back of my house. Lots of roses everywhere. It was nice to be home.

This what I woke up to on Mothers Day! Did you see me traveling from Charlotte to Greenville????
I will be on my way back to Charlotte in the morning. I have a prayer request. My back has been hurting for about 2 weeks. I am a little worried so if you can pray that God touch me.
Will totally pray for your back!!!
Such beautiful roses... I wish I had a green thumb!
And what a gorgeous picture! To show how God even takes care of delicate creatures!!!
That really is a comforting picture, Cindy. Thanks for sharing it....
You have an abundance of sun, that's for sure. Your roses are truly loving it! And they are not easy to take care of. You have to watch for all kinds of pests and water issues. Obviously, you have that stuff down pat!
Prayers for strengthening of your back, especially with you traveling. Be well!
Dear Lord keep Your Might Healing hands on Your precious daughter-Amen
Praying that you back pain is nothing more than travel related and you are feeling great soon.
Blessings and prayers daily:)
Praying for your back and believing that God will touch it and take all the pain away. Complete healing and trusting that in 6 mos. your dr. will find you exactly where God intended for you to be. Cancer Free!!!!! No side effects at all!!!!We are sending up prayers daily for you and your family. Beautiful roses for a beautiful child of God. Enjoy your time with Mike and the girls this weekend. Laugh lots...Love you all. Love, Yvonne
I LOVE that picture of the butterfly. Butterflies make me think of my Angel Baby.
Praying for your back and for the results of your genetic testing!
Blessings and hugs!
I am so far behind on my blogging, but I am hoping that your back pain is gone by now.
How awesome that God provided the picture with the blue butterfly every time you needed encouragement! I am thankful that He has also given you the beautiful roses!
Hope you have a great week free of any back pain!
Love you, my sweet friend,
Praises you are done with radiation! I am praying for your back and for travel mercies! May God continue to be with you and shine through you beautifully as he has been. I love your roses!
sorry i haven't been by in awhile.
your roses are beautiful. that is one of the flowers that i have NO idea how to care for.
will be praying about your back!
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