Monday, December 28, 2009
Back home from Disney
fighting like a girl
have a magical day:)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A year ago was a blur....
Last year a lot of my blog friends made me ornaments for my tree. It meant the world to me. It is a reminder of all the praying and support I received. I truly will never forget it. You all followed me and gave me something to look forward to and I thank you for that. This year I have a request. My Mom gave up her life for me while I was going through my treatments. She drove back and forth to sit with me while I was getting my chemo and stayed with me on the weekends. She was a real trooper. I know it was hard on her but she never complained and I never saw her sad. She always came with a positive attitude that I would fight like a girl. So my favor is I would love for all of you to send her a Christmas card. I am not going to tell her so it will be a surprise. I would like for her to feel the love and support that I did last year. Thank you for always being there:)
fighting like a girl
Barbara (CINDYS MOM)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
fighting like a girl
Friday, December 4, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Miley Cyrus-SURPRISE
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
All my military family:)
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Promotion-Dr apt

Monday, November 2, 2009
Promotion Day-MSG SUMMERS
Tomorrow is my next big check up so say a prayer for me. I just want to continued to be healed of this terrible disease.
Happy Monday!
fighting like a girl
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My Yorkie puppies are ready:)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Number 42!
I am thankful everyday:)
The girls are doing great. All A's for Alexa & Savannah and Madison A's and B's-proud Mama!
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tracy joined my team to support me. She had just found out about her diagnosis. Praying for you girl!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Susan G. Komen
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
If you have never ask for one let me know. Alexa is trying to cover every state:)
Thanks for joining my team
Thanks for the donation
Nicki -three girly girls
The DeSutters
I have a goal of 1000 and so far I am at 580! THANKS
fighting like a girl
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bill and Gayla-100
Thanks so much for your support! I made a goal for my team-1000.00
Lets make it happen:)
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I will be back and let me know what I find out. Hope you all are healthy:)
fighting like a girl
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Small World
I am visiting lunchtime with Savannah and was speaking to her teacher. She is new (2nd yr) so I really don't know her that well. Can I say God is good! We were talking about growing up in the same city. Of course Miami is huge. We were talking about what schools we went to. To make a long story short the private Christian school that I went to and where we went to Church is where her grandfather was the minister. Can you believe her grandfather was the pastor of my childhood church. SMALL WORLD!!! My daughter is being taught by his grand-daughter. How sweet is that. It is not like Charlotte NC is around the corner. Just thought I would share:)
Update on me:
Feeling good
Lymphademia is pretty bad:(
Still Praising God for getting me this far. It has been a yr now since I had my first chemo treatment.
Thanks for all your praying and support
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thanks for the donations:
Tom Kendrick
Molly Carver
Keep them coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Susan G Komen
I am on facebook or you can
My team goal is 1000.00 I have until the 3 of Oct to make this happen.
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Where have I been and what am I doing??
The girls are all in school and adjusting fine. Mike is feeling better and the Army is keeping him very busy. The house is still for sell so we will see how that goes. I am running around working at the girls schools. I am at Alexa's school once a week at the school store. I am the PTO vp at Savannah and Madison's school. We are getting ready to kick off our first fundraiser INVEST-IN-A-KID. Wish me luck:)
I am forming my team for the Susan G Komen check it out below. I know everyone gets busy and money can be tight but I would love for you take a look. You can donate 5. Every little bit makes a difference. I am going to fight like a girl for myself and my dream is that another woman does not have to go through what I have gone through this last year. Thanks in advance:)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Off to turn flips and chat with the girls on their first day.
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
love you mike hope training is going good-we all miss you
Sunday, August 23, 2009
CT Scan
Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
fighting like a girl
Friday, August 21, 2009
One year
One year down and looking forward to the next. THANK YOU!
fighting like a girl
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Packing packing packing
Thanks for praying for me:)
fighting like a girl
PS The mtns were incredible and pictures to come.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Vacation Time
fighting like a girl
Friday, August 7, 2009
Responding to you
As for my health I have had lots of appointments in both cities. My apt on Thurs went well. I really like the new oncologist. I saw my breast surgeon on Monday. He was so sweet. He was very excited to see me. He said that I was looking great. I was healing wonderfully. He said that I was going to start feeling much better and looking more like myself in the next 6 months. So I am going to start taking my picture on the 1st of every month so I can see for myself. How am I feeling? I feel pretty good. I have my days. I still get tired and my endurance just is not there. The one thing that I am dealing with now is lymphedema. Since my lymph nodes have been removed my arm swells if I do to much. It is such a pain. I do have a compression sleeve that I wear so it helps.
Update on whats new with us. The girls are doing great and the Army is keeping Mike super busy. (still waiting on his number for promotion) We are going to the mountains for vacation on Sunday. Yes a week in the mountains. Fun fun fun:)
Well there ya go. Sorry I have not been as good as I was but I promise to get better once things slow down. Thanks for praying for me!
Have a blessed day
fighting like a girl
Friday, July 31, 2009
Doctor Apt
My dr apt with the new oncologist yesterday was great. She said that I am doing great. She is going to send me for a scan to check out a few things. So pray pray pray!
I will be back with lots of updates: I met one of my bloggy friends yesterday for AZ. She has been with me this entire year. So I got to give her a big hug. YAY:)
fighting like girl
Friday, July 24, 2009
Never gonna believe this
So here ya go! It was a big ordeal to get this done. I was suppose to get it done on Friday and my girl was running late so after all said and done it was canceled then Sat came and she was running late again. She colored it the bottom color. She was afraid to do anything else. NOT me! I went to the PX on Sun and got this Blonde kit for short hair:)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Heading to Greenville
I am going to be messing around with my blog for the next week so bare with me:) As soon as I get home I can show you my hair.
I also have 2 blog awards that I need to pass on so I am looking.
Off to bed
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This is a bummer???
A batch of bracelets went out today. Hope you love them!
fighting like a girl
Check back later and I am glad to have my computer back!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
My hair day:)
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I hate CHEMO but my hair is growing-Help
fighting like a girl
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Meet Alexa my oldest and the blog award she won!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Meet my middle daughter Savannah Noel
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Meet my youngest Madison Belle
Friday, July 3, 2009
SFC Summers wife:)
fighting like a girl
Dear AT&T-North Carolina employee:
This weekend our country celebrates the most American of holidays - "Independence Day." While the parades, family reunions and fireworks displays are great, let us not forget those who made it all possible.
Without the sacrifice, dedication and devotion of the men and women of the Armed Forces, and their families, the Fourth of July would be just another summer day.
North Carolinians understand this well, for our state is home to many Army, Marine and Air Force installations. As far back as the Revolution, Tar Heels have paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms, falling on many fields:
· from steamy Pacific jungles to cold Korean hillsides,
· from Virginia slopes to Afghan hills,
· from the outskirts of Bastogne to dusty Tehran streets, and
· from the waters of nearly every ocean to a beach called Omaha.
Throughout the years, military families have shouldered a special burden as their kin offered up years of their lives and, often, gone in harm's way. Hollywood and history books overlook these homefront heroes. We should respect and admire their fortitude, sacrifice and strength, just as we honor those who have worn our country's uniform in her defense.
Standing in the gap between freedom and tyranny is an act that echoes through history and touches generations. The mayor of a small French town, a toddler back in June 1944, summed it up when he told a group of college students: "We welcome today the children of the young Americans who liberated my town 40 years ago. We thank you and we will never forget."
Today, the concept of a citizen-soldier hits home for all of us. Many from our AT&T-North Carolina family have been deployed recently or are once again on active duty.
If you are a member of the Reserve or National Guard, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your dedication and service. You are a modern Minuteman, a patriot ready to step out of everyday life and take up arms for the country. Likewise, your family gives up so much to enable you to serve in this special way. Please share with them my appreciation, as well.
During this Independence Day weekend, I challenge us all to set aside a few quite moments to reflect on the courage and sacrifices which have given us the country we all enjoy today. As the opportunities arise, I hope you will personally share a word of thanks with veterans and offer a prayer for the safety of those serving today. I will.
Cynt Marshall
President, AT&T-North Carolina
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another month and no promotion
I have been blog hopping lately and enjoying reading. Some of you are such great writers. Which has brought me to two thoughts. The first thing is I am getting excited to meet some of you that will be attending the She Speaks Conference in Charlotte. I am not going to be attending but am looking forward to getting together with some of you so that I can thank you for praying for me face to face. It has meant the world to me. So if you have not let me know that you are coming please do:) The second thing that has been weighing on my heart is where do I go from here. God has my attention. What direction am I suppose to go? Am I suppose to put my journey into some sort of book to help other woman going through cancer? I am not a writer but I keep getting this nudge.
I have received several emails about the bracelets. Alexa will be home on Wed. So give her a few weeks. I know there are lots more states so don't be shy to ask.
Heading to PT tomorrow I cant wait.
Happy Summer
fighting like a girl
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bracelets- Do ya need one:)
Thanks for praying
fighting like a girl
Sunday, June 21, 2009
5 months-post surgery
Today is 5 months since I had my surgery. It has flown by but at the same time it feels like yesterday. It has been fight but I have been up for it. I was just sitting here wondering how long will the pain last?? How long will I have to fight my arm from tighting up. It is a daily struggle to keep my arm stretched. How long will I have to fight lymphedema? All of these questions are driving crazy today. I know radiation continues to accumulate. My dr said that I should start feeling better in by Nov. at least from the side effects. So I guess we will see. I don't like to complain a lot I do have my life:)
I did not take any pictures today of the girls and Daddy because Madison has been sick with a bug all day. Poor baby threw up for 12 hrs. She is so tired and sore. She was so pitiful all day. She kept telling me that she felt like flat Stanley. I sure many of you with kids know who he is but if you don't she is referring to how skinny she is now not having anything in her body.
Mike is getting on the road first thing in the morning. Miss you already.
Well off to take care of my baby
fighting like a girl
Friday, June 19, 2009
Daddy's on the way
fighting like girl
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mike here
Its almost 1 in the morning and Im to excited to sleep! Wonder where alexa gets those genes from? I have a busy day Friday and need the sleep but NOT going to look at the ceiling. I will get out as soon as I can and get on the road. As always trying to avoid the rush hour traffic.
15 years as a Soldier's Wife
Have Faith! Through Him anything is possible!! Thanks for all of your prayers and support.
Happy Anniversary Mike - I LOVE YOU
fighting like a girl
Monday, June 15, 2009
As for the reason I am fighting this battle...the doctor said that I just need to watch everything. So today I am going to take time to figure out what I need to do to put myself first:)
Thanks for being there
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Genetic testing results
Mike is going back to work tomorrow. Pray for him to keep getting stronger. He is feeling better though.
I get my results Monday morning. I am nervous. I remember waiting for my results to see if my biopsy was malignant or not. Then when I went to get my results after chemo and surgery to see if all the cancer was gone. Both times I was so crashed. So here we go. I keep telling myself each thing that I go through is going to make me stronger.
fighting like a girl
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Heading home for a while
I am still going to give Praise for all we have:) Pray for safe travels for the girls and myself.
Thanks Stephanie and Jon for opening your house! See you soon.
I hope everyone enjoys the summer with their families.
fighting like a girl
Miss you Mike:(
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Quick Prayer for My Husband
Mike had a heart attack last night and we are in the hospital in Greenville. I will update after his procedure tomorrow. Thanks in advance for you prayers.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Apt Today with Oncologist
Send up a Praise for me tonight thanking God for getting me to this point! Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for everything.
Sending blessing to all of you
Love Cindy
fighting like a girl
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My teacher, mentor and friend
Dr. Mary J. Woolridge-you are an angel from God and I am blessed to know you. I pray for God to protect you. I pray that God continues to use you.
I love you-Friends Forever
If you want to hear her sing look at my sidebar
Monday, June 1, 2009
Dont have the energy to hang
Thanks for you comments last week. I am starting to get uptight about my dr apt on Friday. I know this is probably normal.
Tomorrow I am going to share my visit with a friend. I have been wanting to blog about her for about a month. Just so much going on. Miss the blog world and plan to catch up over the weekend.
Looking forward to school getting out and Summer fun with the girls!
Praising God for continuing to heal me. Thanks for praying for me:)
fighting like a girl
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It's Been A While
My results for my genetic testing came in but they can't get me in until the 15th. So I said well why did you call me then?? So on the 15th I will have a better idea of what I am dealing with. I have my next oncology apt on the 5th. I will be going back to Greenville for both of these apts. My prayer for these two days are that the Lord continue to keep me protected. I am praying for my results to be negative so my girls do not have to worry about this ever. I pray that my oncologist can guide me on what is next. How do I build my immune system? I feel like a am having to fight against some of the side effects from radiation. Pray for my body. I have been feeling muscle tighten, swelling in my ankles and sometime it seems like popping in my lungs.
Just a little lost right now. I know you all will know what to say to help me back on track.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My birthday pictures
My Mom and sisters...Stephanie and Sunnie
Stacy and Mary ....Friends from Charlotte....Mary is Madison's second Mama-Thanks for filling in:)
Mimi (my blog friend who surprised me first time meeting her)
Debbie and Me
My sister
My girlfriends since we were all 4 yrs old! Keri and Carrie...We grew up together in Miami and now all live in NC.
Mimi and Nicki (three girly girls) help keep me focused
Sharon and I became great friends because of Savannah and her daughter Madison. Love their entire family
My cousin...single and looking....any takers!
My cousin's mom and awesome friend. She has been a great angel in my kids lives thanks to Jeff (my cousin who is deeply missed)